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『茶の本』  岡倉天心著 
桶谷秀昭訳 講談社学術文庫 1994年

THE BOOK OF TEA By Okakura-Kakuzo  Fox Duffield & Company,1906 
It is much to be regretted that so much of the apparent enthusiasm for art at the present day has no foundation in real feeling.In this democratic age of ours men clamour for what is popularly considered the best, regardless of their feelings. They want the costly, not the refined ; the fashionable, not the beautiful. To the masses, contemplation of illustrated periodicals, the worthy product of their own industrialism, would give more digestible food for artistic enjoyment than the early Italians or the Ashikaga masters, whom they pretend to admire. The name of the Artist is more important to them than the quality of the work. As a Chinese critic complained many centuries ago, "People criticise a picture by their ear." It is this lack of genuine appreciation that is responsible for the pseudo-classic horrors that to-day greet us wherever we turn.         

(『茶の本』1906年刊  「第五章 芸術鑑賞」より)